Hello #PartySquad, we have some important updates about our social networks.
Discord Server
We are proud to announce our official Discord server, where users can gather to talk, discuss and have fun. In addition, there are various discussion boards among our Discord server, where you can chat about PartySwap, and other boards where people can chill and talk about offtopic themes.
You can join now by clicking this link.
If by any chance, you prefer to use Telegram, we would like to remind you that our official Telegram group is open since our announcement post!
Click this link to join the Telegram group.
Sticker Pack
Also, we have some updates about our sticker pack. We included (6) more stickers to it, with new characters and expressions. You can use them freely in our groups or anywhere you like!
We will add more stickers, so stay tuned about future updates. We are aiming to have a lot more characters expressing their personalities in our pack!
To install PartySwap’s sticker pack on Telegram, click this link.
About PartySwap
PartySwap is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) launched in Avalanche where you can do permissionless swaps between currencies, earn interests in farms and liquidity pools in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem.
If you have inquiries about our platform, please don’t feel afraid to ask! hello@partyswap.io